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English translation for "瘦果"

[ shòuguǒ ] 
achene; akene; achenium

Related Translations:
:  形容词1.(脂肪少; 肉少) thin; emaciated 短语和例子脸瘦 be thin in the face; 面黄肌瘦 be sallow and emaciated; 瘦得皮包骨头 be only skin and bones; 自去年以来她瘦了好多。 she has thinned down a lot since last year.2.(食用的肉脂肪少)
瘦地槽:  leptogeosyncline
疳瘦:  malnutritional emactiation
瘦瘦的人:  sprat
婆瘦:  vāyu wind god of the wind. also
吐瘦:  emetatrophia
瘦猪肉:  lean pork
瘦体重:  lbwlean body mass
极瘦的:  skin and boneskinny
周瘦鹃:  zhou shoujuan
Example Sentences:
1.These may be achenes , follicles , berries , or drupelets
2.Samara a nut or achene whose pericarp is extended to form a wing for wind dispersal , e . g . ash ( fraxinus excelsior )
翅果:指坚果或瘦果中果皮延伸成翼状,以利于风媒传播的果实类型。如白蜡树的果实(欧洲白蜡树) 。
3.Caryopsis ( grain ) ( pl . caryopses ) a dry indehiscent fruit , typical of the grasses . it is similar to an achene except that the ovary wall is fused with the seed coat
4.Hip a type of pseudocarp ( false fruit ) consisting of a cup - shaped receptacle containing achenes , each of which bears small hooklike hairs . hips are typical of the genus rosa
5.Characteristics : perennial pubescent herb ; leaves dimorphic , the radical with 3 - lobes , coarsely serrate at margin ; cymes terminal ; flowers yellow , to 2 cm diam . , sepals 5 , petals 5 or more ; fruit consisting of many aggregated achenes
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