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English translation for "画魂"

[ huàhún ]
painting soul

Related Translations:
噬魂:  souleater
微型画:  very small detailed painting usu of a person
石板画:  lithograph
鞍马画:  paint horse
石印画:  lithograph
街景画:  streetscape
画外画电视机:  picture out picture tv set
祭坛画:  altarpiece
像素画:  pixel art
史诗画:  epic representation
Example Sentences:
1.Pan yu - lin exhibition
2.The successful pan yu liang exhibitions 2006 - which we presented in different venues has shown us a new opportunity in the art marketplace . we realized that to effectively inform a new generation of art lovers who are hungry for knowledge , we need to rely on state of the art technological know how
3.The successful pan yu liang exhibitions 2006 - which we presented in different venues has shown us a new opportunity in the art marketplace . we realized that to effectively inform a new generation of art lovers who are hungry for knowledge , we need to rely on state - of - the - art technological know how
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