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English translation for "用手写"

write with…hand

Related Translations:
手写:  write; take notes by oneself
手写识别:  handwriting recognition
手写的:  handwritten
手写标志:  written mark
手写注销:  manuscript cancellation
手写字符:  handwritten character
手写画板:  qqpaint
手写笔:  isp-35stylus pentablet-penwalk pen
手写输入:  hand inputhandwriting input
手写板:  freeshowtabletwacomwriting pad
Example Sentences:
1.This type of coordinate indexing is said to be manually operated, since the recording of the accession number onto the features card is done by hand .
2.So writing by hand becomes more and more difficult
3.Handprinted numerals for optical character recognition
4.Handprinted katakana characters for optical character recognition
5.We write with our hands
6.I can ' t be bothered with carbons . i have no manual skill and you know what carbons are ? so there was only one copy
用复写纸我嫌麻烦。我不善于用手写,而且你知道复写纸不好写? ?所以只有一份底稿。
7.Howard county police officers still write their report by hand . and the data is entered by a computer tech into their database
8.When you write with the pen on some touch screen devices , the pen stroke is only visible as long as the pen is touching the screen
9.For the following questions , select one entry for each blank from the corresponding column of choices . fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text
填空题变成一个,二个或三个洞,但是各个洞分开,竟然要用手写的,不知道电脑阅卷要怎麽改= =
10.A typewritten or handwritten version of a book , an article , a document , or other work , especially the author ' s own copy , prepared and submitted for publication in print
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