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English translation for "生物武器公约"

biological weapons convention

Related Translations:
生物武器:  biological and chemical weapobiological warfare weaponsbiological weapons
生物武器股:  biological weapons unit
化学生物武器:  chemical and biological weapons
生物武器科学家:  biological weapon scientist
生物武器系统:  biological weapon system
生物武器面积效应:  areal effect of biological weaponeffective area coverage of biological weapon
生物武器物理防护:  physical protection against biological weapon
生物武器医学防护:  medical protection against biological weapon
生物武器视察队:  biological weapons team biological weapons inspection team bw team
化学和生物武器工作组:  chemical and biological weapons working group
Example Sentences:
1.I also want to join you in celebrating the 50th anniversary of this great alliance
2.Taiwan s investment in the prc totals between 20 and 30 billion , much of which is in export industries
3.China strictly adheres to its obligations under the cwc and bwc , and will not in any way help or encourage any country to obtain chemical or biological weapons
4.It is impossible to be certain . there is no sign of imminent hostilities . it appears that prc military activity is somewhat elevated , but reports in the media have been exaggerated
5.In november 1984 china acceded to the convention on the prohibition of the development , production and stockpiling of bacteriological ( biological ) and toxin weapons and on their destruction ( bwc )
中国于1984年11月参加了《禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》 ( 《禁止生物武器公约》 ) 。
6.We will continue to evaluate whether subsequent interactions between chinese and iranian entities are consistent with the chinese " no new nuclear cooperation " pledge . with regard to chemical and biological weapons , china is a party to the biological weapons convention and the chemical weapons convention . but china s chemical - related export controls are not yet up to the australia group standard and only cover 10 of the 20 australia group - listed items not also on the cwc schedules
在化学和生物武器方面,中国参加了《禁止生物武器公约》和《禁止化学武器公约》 。但是,中国有关化学武器的出口管制尚未达到澳大利亚集团的标准,只涵盖澳大利亚集团清单上不包括在《禁止生物武器公约》清单中的20个物项中的10项。
Similar Words:
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