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English translation for "瓶径"


Related Translations:
瓶瓶:  charmnew
气瓶:  air bottle; gas cylinder◇气瓶压力 storage pressure
缓冲瓶:  buffer bottledamping screensurge flask
瓶窑:  pingyao
聚乙烯瓶:  polyethylene bottle
吸收瓶:  a orption bottleabsorption bottleabsorption flask
氟利昂瓶:  freon bottlefreon cylinder
饼干瓶:  biscuit jar
粪便瓶:  fecal vase
方形瓶:  gular bottle
Example Sentences:
1.All of them increasingly limit the development of affordable decent housing . according to these mentioned problems , the paper analyses urban land use system , personal credit system and used housing market ; reconstructs a new supply system of affordable decent housing ; illustrates that only by improving related measures can affordable decent housing break through bottleneck and boom again
2.In addition , from department structure and composition , because of changes of holistic environment , actual affairs are increasing continuously . this should make executive departments adjust their function boundaries . however , with the continuous emergence of new affairs and problems and many temporary tasks distributed to any department in the process of solving problems , as time passes these tasks become functions of this department , but there are also some bottlenecks when actual business is done , which makes the operation of holistic business processes sluggish and inefficient
Similar Words:
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