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English translation for "牵涉痛"

referred pain

Related Translations:
牵涉:  concern; drag in; involve 短语和例子牵涉面广 involve many areas [persons]; 牵涉其他人的利益 involve the interests of others; 这项计划牵涉到许多部门。 this project concerns many departments. 这个方案牵涉到许多复杂的技术问题。 this proj
使牵涉:  to engage as a participant
牵涉进:  be part of included in mixed with
牵涉到:  be concerned with
牵涉图解:  implication diagramimplicationdiagram
牵涉面广:  involve many areas
牵涉性痛:  pain referredreferred paintelalgia
地缘政治牵涉:  geopolitical implication
牵涉性疼痛:  referred pain
交感神经牵涉痛:  sympathetic referred pain
Example Sentences:
1.The essence of acupoint and the convergence of acupoint and theprimary afferent neurous of viscera at the prospinal cord or in the spinal cord were overvicued , which partly explained the mechanism of the acting specificity of acupoint , the referred pain of viscera and the acupuncture analgesia
2.Abstract : the essence of acupoint and the convergence of acupoint and the primary afferent neurous of viscera at the prospinal cord or in the spinal cord were overvicued , which partly explained the mechanism of the acting specificity of acupoint , the referred pain of viscera and the acupuncture analgesia
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