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English translation for ""

[ liū ] 
(炒菜, 作料中加淀粉汁) sauté (with starch extract); quick-fry 短语和例子

Related Translations:
熘鹌鹑:  braised quail
熘鱼片:  quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains saucequick-fry fish slices with distilled grains sauce
熘鲑鱼:  braised fresh salmon
熘豆腐:  stewed bean-curd
焦熘肉片:  crisfried pork slices with sauce
冷熘光:  chemiluminescence
焦熘鱼片:  crisfried fish slices with distilled grains saucefried fish slices with sauce
糟熘鱼片:  fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
醋熘鳜鱼:  briased mandarin fish watered by sweet and sour sauce
滑熘鱼片:  fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
Example Sentences:
1.Fried pork tripe with chicken
2.Soft fried fish
3.The compiler will insert this command to avoid importing each and every routine from the runtime library
4.Dish from the yellow river in shandong jinan luo town pier , with the yellow river carp , the bombing from center
5.First , they sent a command - wide super - chef of the highest skills in person at the scene produced using traditional techniques interpretation of speculation , cooking , stewing , rinse , 烩 , burned , roasted , steamed , fried , deep , rapid , and far , ltd . , and other cooking skills
6.The masterful cooking techniques include bao quick fry , liu quick fry with cornflour , pa stew braise , roast , boiling , using sugar to make fruit , crystallizing with honey . condiments such as sauce paste , fistulous onion and garlic are freely used , clear soup and milk soup are masterly used to add freshness to the dishes .
Similar Words:
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