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English translation for "焦燥"


Related Translations:
燥痰:  dry phlegmdry sputumsticky sputumviscous sputum
内燥:  endogenous dryness-evilinternal dryness
乾燥:  arefactionariditydehydrationdrying
外燥:  exopathic drynessexternal dryness
温燥:  heat drynessthe warm drynesswarm and dry naturewarm-dryness syndrome
肺燥:  dry lungsdryness of the lungsfei zao lung drynesspulmonary dryness
乾燥透气性:  drying permeability
抗燥性:  desiccation resistance
心里烦燥:  feel restless and irritable
中间烘燥:  intermediate dryingintermediatedrying
Example Sentences:
1.Abstain from spicy or greasy , dishes smelling of fish seafood or decomposed filth , fried or dry , sugar or cakes ; no smoking or drinking
2.A young and beautiful girl , with hair as black as jet , her eyes as velvety as the gazelle s , was leaning with her back against the wainscot , rubbing in her slender delicately moulded fingers a bunch of heath blossoms , the flowers of which she was picking off and strewing on the floor ; her arms , bare to the elbow , brown , and modelled after those of the arlesian venus , moved with a kind of restless impatience , and she tapped the earth with her arched and supple foot , so as to display the pure and full shape of her well - turned leg , in its red cotton , gray and blue clocked , stocking
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