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English translation for "满面通红"

flush red all over; a blush overspread one's face

Related Translations:
通红:  very red; red through and through 短语和例子她的脸冻得通红。 her face is red with cold
通红的:  aglow
两耳通红:  one's ears are scarlet
通红的面孔:  the flushed cheeks
臊得脸通红:  blush scarlet
气得满脸通红:  be red with anger
她的脸冻得通红:  her face is red with cold
她的脸涨得通红:  her face flushed scarlet. be more larger etc. than expected
满面:  have one's face covered with 短语和例子泪流满面 tears streaming down one's cheeks
他的脸被炉火映得通红:  his cheeks shone red before the glowing oven
Example Sentences:
1.Now the people sneer at me-the very hills and sky seem to laugh at me till i blush shamefully for my folly .
2.The flood of vituperation rushed on for what seemed an interminable period, while the queen blushed scarlet, the princess burst into tears .
3.Thats enough for me , said sonya , flushing crimson
“我感到满足。 ”索尼娅满面通红地说。
4.I did go to see you , said rostov , flushing
5.The countesss face flushed hotly , but she said nothing
6.Alpatitch was not in the house ; he had gone to the police authorities
7.All flushed and burning , she regretfully dismissed the conjured situation
8.Pierre saw that prince andrey asked her some question , and she answered him , flushing hotly
9.She looks nicer than any of you ! he would have embraced her , but , flushing , she drew back to avoid being crumpled
10.Princess lizaveta karlovna and princess marya can tell us , maybe ; i dont know what hes bringing his son here for
我不知道他干嘛把儿子带到这里来。我用不着。 ”他望了望满面通红的女儿。
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