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English translation for "浑身流汗"

one's whole body was dripping with sweat

Related Translations:
流汗:  sweat; sweat streaming; sweat pour off sb.; be all of a sweat; be dripping [wet] with sweat; be in a sweat 短语和例子我们决不怕流血流汗。 we aren't a bit afraid of bleeding and sweating
浑身:  (全身) from head to foot; all over 短语和例子猪浑身上下都是宝。 every part of the pig is useful
浑身大汗:  all of a muck of sweat
浑身疼:  ache all over
浑身冷汗:  be bathed in cold and clammy perspiration; a cold sweat broke forth on one's whole body
浑身酸痛:  the whole body aches
浑身发痒:  itch all over
浑身无力:  feel weak all over
浑身颤抖:  all of a dither
浑身打颤:  trembled all over; shiver from head to foot
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