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Home > chinese-english > "浑身是胆" in English

English translation for "浑身是胆"

full of courage; filled with courage and strength; the whole body is one mess of courage; be the very embodiment of valour; be every inch a hero; thoroughly bold [daring]

Related Translations:
浑身是胆智多星:  the hire: powder keg
Example Sentences:
1.I gotta go with bullitt
2.You may say what you want to , but in my opinion she had more sand in her than any girl i ever see ; in my opinion she was just full of sand
3.The englishman , whose right eye was nearly closed , took his corner where he was liberally drenched with water and , when the bell went , came on gamey and brimful of pluck , confident of knocking out the fistic eblanite in jigtime
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