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English translation for "浑然天成"

like nature itself -- highest quality (of art)

Related Translations:
浑然:  1.(完全地; 全然) completely; without leaving a trace2.(形容完整而不可分割) integral and indivisible
浑然一新:  everything made new
浑然不觉:  not feel at all; be not aware at all
浑然无成:  accomplish [achieve] nothing; without accomplishing anything
Example Sentences:
1.Kung fu masters are made not born
2.Using need need burma jade from polished agate , delicate work , unaware of heaven
3.Nature made this den , a cave undercutting bluff of beautiful orange - beige sandstone
4.It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions
此乃浑然天成之事(注4 ) ,网络空间透过我们集体参与而自行茁壮、成长的。
5.Because of its various colors , forms and highest quality , it has great aesthetic value as well
6.Harlem , who is proficient as singer songwriter and composer , shows that he s still as good as it gets
7.Nature is beauty ; every good thing has charm . nature announces success : pursue causes and conditions
8.Crispy almond granules and hazelnut sponge cake , filling with fresh cream . cannot miss it !
9.Color schemes in publisher provide harmonious color sets for an entire publication and across all types of publications
10.The cook islands ' beauty and its laid - back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner
Similar Words:
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