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English translation for "流向"

flow direction
◇流向测量器 flow direction probe; 流向角 [水文] angle of current; 流向图 flow graph; flow diagram; 流向线 flow line

Related Translations:
地下水流向:  direction of groundwater flowgroundwater flow direction
流向图:  direction roseflow graphflow-graph
流向修正:  correction for wind direction
流向探测器:  flow-direction probe
流向线:  flow lineflowline
宏观流向:  macroscopic flow direction
视觉流向:  visual pacing, rule-of-thirds and information display
流向作用:  fow action to
相反流向:  opposite course
旅客流向:  passenger traffic flow direction
Example Sentences:
1.The river snaked away into the distance .
2.Many rivers carry silt toward the equator .
3.Profits are flowing out of the country .
4.Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain .
5.The air flow will have some variation of angularity .
6.In short, heat flows from the warmer to the cooler body .
7.Heat never flows spontaneously from a cooler to a hotter body .
8.The main drawback is that the very large tonnage of gas flow must be shifted from one vessel to the other .
9.When a lake cools, the cooled water at the surface flows to the bottom because of its greater density .
10.Heat flow from a hotter to a cooler body is a process of energy transfer tending to equalize temperature .
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