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English translation for "法贵"


Related Translations:
贵志:  kishi
贵文:  kibumi
高低贵:  sooner or less
贵田:  kidakita
贵介:  takasuke
贵迁:  gui qian
贵邦:  takakuni
贵道:  takamichi
贵卖:  sell bear
贵船:  kibune
Example Sentences:
1.Thoughts of criminal policy of legalists include following contents : attacking steals and violent crimes , powerful nation and weak people , governing people by punishment , eliminating punishment by punishment , the heavy penalty policy , praising the reward and censuring the punished , equal punishment , trusty reward and trusty punishment , maintaining the stability of law , punishment being judged in the public mind . the heavy penalty policy is the core part of the thoughts of legalists , and it includes six aspects specifically : regular punishments and rare rewards , making penalty severer and reward rarer , misdemeanor with heavy penalty , punishing the just occurred , rewarding exposing crimes , punishment for being related
Similar Words:
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