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English translation for "水文遥测"

hydrologic remote measurement

Related Translations:
水文比拟:  hydrologic analogy
水文的:  hydrographicalhydrological
水文情势:  hydrologic regimehydroregimemoisture regimewater regime
水文网:  hydrographic nethydrologic net
水文模型:  hydrologic model
水文地理:  hydrography
水文盆地:  hydrologic basin
水文协会:  iahs
水文队:  hydrological team
水文缆车:  hydrometric cable car
Example Sentences:
1.In light of the problem of the precision of flood forecasting being influenced by the data errors of rainfall and water stage caused by the failures of the communication and the relevant equipments of the gauging stations concerned , the techniques for the automatic hydrologic data collection and transmission system such as data extraction , examination of rationality , error identification , rainfall interpolation and the intelligent error correction are studied based on the analysis on the cause of the errors occurred in the system
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