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English translation for "武装突袭"

armed assault

Related Translations:
突袭舰:  assault frigate
武装:  1.(军事装备) arms; military equipment; battle outfit 短语和例子解除武装 disarm; 全副武装 (in) full battle gear; 起来进行武装斗争 up in arms2.(武装力量) armed forces 短语和例子武装夺取政权 seizure of power by armed forces; 人民武装 t
武装带:  sam browne belt
武装随员:  galloglassgallowglass
武装冲突:  armed clasharmed conflictsclash of arms
武装匪帮:  armed bands
武装暴动:  armed riots
武装车辆:  armored vehicles
武装反抗:  rebellion
机密武装:  coded arms konami asia
Example Sentences:
1.They are lock - on , fire - and - forget ( in arma ) missiles that are perfect for knocking out tanks and other priority vehicle targets
2.Attack aircraft - these are the most relevant to the arma experience . attack aircraft are specialized at ground attack and tend to provide excellent close air support ( cas ) to infantry
攻击机? ?在武装突袭中关系最大的类别,攻击机通过其对地攻击专用武器为步兵提供一流的近距离空中支援。
3.Once coc : ua for arma is out , i will likely update this with specific instructions on various elements of adjusting fire relative to the actual coc : ua interface and functionality
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