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English translation for "此致敬礼"

(书信用语) with best [kindest] wishes.; with high respect; respectfully

Related Translations:
此致:  rgds regards
谨此致谢:  we hereby express our thanks
敬礼:  1.(行礼) salute; give a salute 短语和例子举手敬礼 raise one's hand in salute; 立正敬礼 a salute at attention; 举剑敬礼 bring the sword to the salute2.(致敬意) extend one's greetings 短语和例子致以革命的敬礼 extend [convey]
敬礼舞蹈病:  chorea salutante
国际敬礼:  international salute
降旗敬礼:  dip the flagdithe flag
再敬礼:  resalute
立正敬礼:  a salute at attention
行敬礼:  come to the salute
接受敬礼:  take the salute
Example Sentences:
1.I can ' t completely understand what she ' s trying to say here , but the best translation for 此致 to me would be " respect " . any other thoughts
比如说:此致敬礼,它的意思就是在这里向您敬礼,表示尊敬。 。比如说:此致敬礼,它的意思就是在这里向您敬礼,表示尊敬。 。
2.She concluded by thanking him for his kindness in a crude way , then puzzled over the formality of signing her name , and finally decided upon the severe , winding up with a " very truly , " which she subsequently changed to " sincerely .
于是她只笼统地谢谢他在火车上的关心作为结束语。接着她又为如何写署名前的敬语费了一番心思。最后她决定用一本正经的口气写上“此致敬礼” ,可是随后她又决定改为比较亲切的“祝好。 ”
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