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Home > chinese-english > "正因这样我才没有感觉到完全孤独" in English

English translation for "正因这样我才没有感觉到完全孤独"

so i won’t feel so all alone

Related Translations:
心是孤独的猎手:  the heart is a lonely hunter
这样:  so; such; like this; this way 短语和例子这样的一个人 such a man; 这样那样的问题 various problems; one question or another; all sorts of problems; 一会儿这样, 一会儿那样 now one way, now another; 情况就是这样。 that's how it
这样说:  put it this way
不要这样:  say it isn't so
这样也好:  i guess so
这样 于是:  thus n
就这样:  be it sofine that's all. you may leave nowin a wayin this waythats allthat's itthis is the way
不能这样:  it cannot be
就这样就这样:  way on downsouth way on downsouth london town
这样才是:  this is how
Similar Words:
"正因如此" English translation, "正因如此你知道" English translation, "正因素, 肯定的因素, 积极的因素" English translation, "正因为吟" English translation, "正因为有这个行政尝试我" English translation, "正因子" English translation, "正音" English translation, "正音词典" English translation, "正音法" English translation, "正音法,正音学" English translation