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English translation for "欧洲股票市场"

euro-share market

Related Translations:
股票市场:  58.stock marketequity marketgreat bear marketshare marketstock exchangethe stock market
股票市场行情:  stock market quotation
股票市场瞬息万变:  there were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the stock exchange
伦敦股票市场:  london stock market
操纵股票市场:  manipulate the stock market
矿山股票市场:  mining market
股票市场价值:  market value of shares
股票市场震动:  shakeout
领先股票市场:  leading stock market
关闭股票市场:  shut down stock exchanges to
Example Sentences:
1.The decline is still small and you can argue over which shares should count in the calculation , but citigroup says this year is the first in more than 20 years that european stockmarkets have shrunk in this way
2.The new york stock exchange , the nasdaq stock market and smaller exchanges have announced mergers , and the new york exchange ' s recent pursuit of euronext , operator of four european stock markets , is driven in large part by euronext ' s derivatives exchange in london
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