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English translation for "次弘"


Related Translations:
俊弘:  fred cheng
弘纲:  hirotsuna
得弘:  tokuhiro
光弘:  mitsuhiro
钱弘:  qian chu
弘巳:  hiromi
朋弘:  tomohiro
利弘:  toshihiro
冬弘:  fuyuhiro
弘真:  hirozane
Example Sentences:
1.These miracles of masters arrangement in coffs harbor have given us encouragement to further share masters teachings in the future
2.After the seminar , the audience members enjoyed vegetarian snacks prepared by the practitioners , who are all grateful to master for the precious experience gained through this enjoyable activity
3.The second video seminar was held at heredia university on may 6 . to show their sincere interest in this event , the university authorities had the lecture hall specially painted before the seminar to give it a new look
4.As many people who could not attend the seminars called for information about master and the quan yin method , auckland and hamilton initiates plan to hold other activities in the future to spread masters teachings so that more sincere seekers may find their way home
5.Through the kanchanaburi college video - seminar project , thai practitioners learned that they should always strive to use their wisdom in accomplishing masters work , and became more determined than ever to grow stronger while spreading gods message of truth to their compatriots
6.He panorama of events section of news no . 128 contained an article about fellow practitioners from johannesburg , south africa sharing master s teachings at the leeuwkop correctional services facility in may 2001 . the gathering resulted in several inmates receiving the convenient method
7.As countless spiritual seeds were sown in the penghu islands through the jhongjheng primary school video seminar , the initiates thanked master for another precious opportunity to work with a spirit of piety and sacrifice in spreading the supreme truth and enhancing their experience on the path of practice
8.Near the entrance on the first floor , a television set displayed one of master s videos , and sample booklets and news magazines were freely taken by interested people , as fellow initiates provided help . on the second floor , guests were first greeted by an exhibition of master s artistic creations and publications before entering the seminar venue
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