横眉: (形容怒目而视) frown; scowl 短语和例子横眉瞪眼[立目] angry looks; look angrily at
横眉冷对千夫指: point at and glare angrily at the reactionary elements; with a furious glare to point at the reactionaries
横眉冷对千夫指俯首甘为孺子牛: headbowed like a willing ox i serve the children
瞪眼: 1.(睁大眼睛) open one's eyes wide; stare; glare 短语和例子干瞪眼 look on helplessly2.(跟人生气或耍态度) glower and glare at sb.; get angry with sb.: 你怎么老爱跟人瞪眼? why are you always glowering at people