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English translation for "案研究"

case study

Related Translations:
江南案:  henry liu
查档案:  look into the archives
叛国案:  case of treason
谋杀案:  a murder casecase of murdermurder case
企划案:  business caseproject planningproposal
自由案格式:  free file format
案藏玄机:  high crimes
预算案辩论:  budget debate
提出建议案:  put forward a proposal, toraise a proposal to
活络案文:  rolling text
Example Sentences:
1.The destiny of community traditions - a case study about the
2.80 case studies have been included in the new depository . more are yet to come
3.Private enterprise and collectivistic moral demand on a case study of ethic problem in contemporary china
4.80 case studies have been included in the new depository . more are yet to come
5.This thesis is used to analyze the possibility of starting up a new business through a case study
6.What do high school students and their parents expect from higher education ? a case study of south korea
(韩国一个案研究:高中学生及其家长对接受高等教育有何期望? )
7.Equity and efficiency view in water resources distribution is discussed . the direction idea and basic principle are brought forward
8.This class explores the nature of business improvement districts , and does so with a number of case studies from around the globe , presented in the lecture notes section
9.Close examination of 3 actual cases of negative sociocultural transfer in communicative events both verbal and non - verbal between native english and chinese english speakers reveals that deep - structure sociocultural transfer does not only exist but also bring about serious communication problems without each party ' s knowing why
10.When carries on the real estate investment risks recognition , this article combine the special details of taida garden project , conducting the elaboration from the different stage of project investment entire process where exist the macroscopic factors , the industrial factors and own factors . the author use the method of qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis to assess the risk of taida garden project
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