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English translation for "标榜"

[ biāobǎng ] 
1.(以好听的名义加以宣扬) flaunt; advertise; parade; give favourable publicity to; make a display of; boast 短语和例子
2.(吹嘘) boost; excessively praise; brag about 短语和例子

Related Translations:
互相标榜:  eulogize each other; mutual admiration and eulogy
标榜沽名:  advertise oneself to seek fame
极力标榜:  praise up to the skies
标榜个人自由:  flaunting individual freedom
自己所标榜的:  self description
标榜自己是一个老手:  advertise oneself as an old hand boost
Example Sentences:
1.She is always holding up her children as models of behavior .
2.Gsp&l was also rich, strong and, by self-description, efficient .
3.Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another .
4.This periodical, poe thought, abetted new england writers in maintaining a mutual admiration society. in a review of lowell's “fable for critics” he burst out .
5.Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cozy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of twain or whitman .
6.Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs to the gusty appetites of mark twain or whitman .
7.Digital parade and talent selection in han and jin periods
8.But don t just take our word for it
9.She ' s got this whole " don ' t look , don ' t tell " policy
10.7 the thought of beauty being skin deep is itself skin deep
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