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English translation for "极端民族主义"


Related Translations:
民族主义和社会主义先锋党:  vanguard nationalist and socialist party
极端:  extremes
极端重要:  of an extreme importance
极端困难:  exceedingly difficult
极端细菌:  extreme bacteria
极端刁难:  obstruct to the last degree
极端宽度:  breadth extreme
极端贫穷:  extreme poverty
极端事件:  extreme eventextremeevent
极端情况:  extreme caseextreme event
Example Sentences:
1.On the japanese ultranationalism in recent years
2.Terrorists are best regarded as hypernationalists
3.The russian ultranationalists
4.Extreme nationalism , especially when opposed to international cooperation
5.The writer has read lots of materials and researched the root and the means of settlement of extreme nationalism
6.If instead he panders to ldp interests or the ultra - nationalist wing , the abe administration will have started dismally
7.Before 1871 , nationalism helped many european states such as belgium and germany win independence or unit to form single nations . yet it turned extreme after 1871
1871年以前,民族主义帮助欧洲国家如比利时和德国赢得了独立战争,或成立了独立的国家, 1871年以后演变为极端民族主义
8.Emerging first in europe , which it nearly destroyed and which has now apparently learned to control it , extreme nationalism still erupts from time to time in other parts of the world
9.The rise of extreme nationalism during the period from 1871 - 1914 deepened the european powers ' rivalries and led to many crises in africa and the balkans . three conflicts finally led to the outbreak of the first world war
10.Second , the main expression of coiiflicts in see is pent - up ethnic confiicts ycars after years . the source of conflict depends on the great gaps in economic and social development . third , the peat pewrs hav plopd the key role in provoldng and ending wars
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