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English translation for "明刻本"

ming copy

Related Translations:
刻本:  carving copy; block-printed edition 短语和例子元刻本 a yuan dynasty block-printed edition
宋刻本:  a song dynasty block-printed editionsong dynasty b1ock printed edition
元刻本:  a yuan dynasty block printed edition
精刻本:  sound book
原刻本original:  edition
及至宋代方有刻本:  block printed books did not appear until the song dynasty
Example Sentences:
1.In commemoration of the opening of its new home , there will be a joint exhibition of chinese rare books from april 20 , 2002 to may 3 , 2002 . the university library system of the chinese university of hong kong and the shanghai library will select a total of 40 invaluable titles for the joint exhibition . some of these titles were published as early as the five dynasties ( 907 - 960 ) such as
志庆期间,香港中文大学图书馆系统与上海图书馆合办中文古籍善本珍藏展,展出自五代以来共四十种两馆珍藏的善本古籍,其中包括罕有传世的珍本,如五代金字写本《妙法莲华经》 、元刻本《小学书集成》 、 《易本义附录纂注》 、明刻本《武经七书》 、清文澜阁《四库全书》写本《中丞集》及《书影》等,弥足珍贵。
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