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English translation for "无能之辈"

people without ability lifetime

Related Translations:
力田之辈:  rikiden no yakara
无能:  incompetent; incapable 短语和例子软弱无能 weak and incompetent; 无能的经营管理断送了公司。 incapable management ruined the company
无能性:  ineffective family coping:disablingnullipotencynullisome
昏聩无能:  decrepit and muddleheaded; muddleheaded and incompetent
阅读无能:  reading disability
拙劣无能:  imperitia
无能集合:  inept set
杂种无能:  hybrid incapacity
深无能:  gulf
无能者:  passenger
Example Sentences:
1.The only disabilities-it would be too harsh to call them sins-were torpor, incuriosity, or some excess of temperament, such as sensuality .
2.Don ' t make him feel impotent about work
3.Sending two incompetents to perform an action . .
4.Sending two incompetents to perform an action
5.“ this company is full of incompetents
6.He thinks himself to be something , but actually he is nothing
7.How does a lightweight , needle - dick pencil pusher get assigned to la
8.Louiss successors , too , were weak men , and they , too , governed france badly
9.The only disabilities - it would be too harsh to call them sins - were torpor , incuriosity , or some excess of temperament , such as sensuality
绝无仅有的无能之辈- -斥之为罪人似嫌过严- -是麻木不仁者,或耽于声色,放浪形骸之徒。
Similar Words:
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