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English translation for "数据库定义"

dbd database definition

Related Translations:
水土保持数据库:  data base of soil and water conservation
数据库设计员:  database practitioner
棕榈数据库:  palms online
核心数据库:  kernel database
仿真数据库:  simulation data base
多维数据库:  mdd multi-dimensional databasemulti-dimensional database
影像数据库:  image database
数据库性能:  database performance
线虫数据库:  acedb - a caenorhabditis elegans database
桌面数据库:  desktodatabase
Example Sentences:
1.Hall and brown first define an on-line bibliographic data base as a collection of records .
2.The general steps taken to define a database as a managed resource are
3.The start of the database definition is marked by the database keyword on line 6
4.Sample database as the data source for the analysis services tutorial project
示例数据库定义为analysis services tutorial项目的数据源。
5.In squirrel , you define " aliases " for each database you want to interact with
在squirrel中,您要为每个需要进行交互的数据库定义“别名” 。
6.If a master key is defined for an attachable subscription database , specify the master key password using the
7.Is the name of the collation to be applied to the expression , column definition , or database definition
8.This tutorial discusses data types , tables , views , and indexes as defined by db2 universal database
9.Provides support for defining the derby database as a data source in the deployment descriptor of the web application
提供对在web应用程序的部署描述符中将derby数据库定义为一个data source的支持。
10.Execute database definition commands to create , edit , and remove tables , stored procedures , and other database structures
执行数据库定义( ddl )命令以创建、编辑和移除表、存储过程及其他数据库结构。
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