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English translation for "教堂墓地"

abbey court

Related Translations:
萨玛拉赫德玛基的青铜时代墓地:  the bronze age burial site of sammallahdenmaki
教堂的:  ecclesiastical
教堂钟:  the chime of church bells/of the clock
追思教堂:  woodland chapel
教堂山:  abbey hillchapel hill, north carolina
宫廷教堂:  katholische hofkirche
巴赫教堂:  js_bachs_cathedral
教堂拱廓:  quire arcade
墨守教堂仪式:  churchism
老北教堂:  old north church
Example Sentences:
1.A yard adjacent to a church , especially a cemetery
2.His parents were now reposing in the local churchyard
3.They are very concerned about the state of the churchyard
4.A side gate led into the churchyard
5.Said tess s mother , as she returned from a reconnoitre of the church and graveyard
6.The man told the name of a mason in the village , and , on leaving the churchyard , clare called at the mason s house
7.You ' ll pass the churchyard , mr lockwood , on your way back to the grange , and you ' ll see the three graverestones close to the moor
8.The waggon had drawn up under the churchyard wall , in a spot screened from view , and the driver , nothing loth , soon hauled down the poor heap of household goods
9.Her father invariably spent that day alone in the library ; and walked , at dusk , as far as gimmerton kirkyard , where he would frequently prolong his stay beyond midnight
10.After my mother s death , i wash my hands of you : from the day her coffin is carried to the vault in gateshead church , you and i will be as separate as if we had never known each other
Similar Words:
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