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English translation for "放下去"

let down

Related Translations:
应急放下:  emergency extension
放下身段:  13-get down
放下不管:  leave someone in the lurch
放下手:  put down your hand
放下臭架子:  be off the high horse
枪放下:  [军事] (口令) order arms
放下笔:  pen settle
放下枪:  drop the gun and no funny stuff
放下区域:  drozone
起落架放下:  down gearlanding gear loweringwheels-down
Example Sentences:
1.In a hazy way i saw and heard men rushing and shouting as they strove to lower the lifeboats .
2.The bird is usually lowered through a trap door in the floor of the cabin after the takeoff .
3.I ' m going to put these down . i ' ii be right back
4.- well , iet it drop . - that ' d be a iot easier
5.A little more on marek , - smell the stale air ,
6.- a little more on marek , - smell the stale air ,
7.Well , iet it drop . - that ' d be a iot easier
8.Oh , pipe down , you big baboon . this doesn ' t hurt
9.The story unfolds as the film goes on
10.We ' ll recline the seats . i also have a blanket
Similar Words:
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