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English translation for "改革法"

reform law

Related Translations:
司法改革:  judicial reforms
革新改革:  innovate
改革主义:  reformism
立志改革:  be determined to carry out reforms
改革宗:  calvinismthe reformed church
管理改革:  administrative reformmanagement reformmanagerial revolution
改革集团:  islah party
行政改革:  administrative reform
市场改革:  market reforms
企业改革:  enterprise reform
Example Sentences:
1.Tax reform act of 1986
2.Agrarian reform act
3.Recent figures show that about 2 , 300 of the nation ' s 90 , 000 public schools are being " restructured " under the law
4.A limitation of the amount an investor can claim on his incomes taxes as a result of losses from real estate investments , under the tax reform act of 1986
5.The bankruptcy reform act of 2005 remarkably expanded the coverage of such safe harbors , especially in the financial derivatives area , where the traditional " product protection " has virtually evolved into " market protection "
2005年《破产改革法》显著扩展了安全港的覆盖范围,尤其是在金融衍生产品领域,实质上由“特定保护”演变为“市场保护” 。
6.We can clearly dialyze the historical process from a series of important bills : warnock report , the 1981 education act , the 1988 education reform act and " the code of practice " , and etc . so far , british government has fundamentally established a set of practical frameworks of inclusive education and made some specific projects
从华诺克报告、 1981年教育法、 1988年教育改革法以及“特殊教育需要鉴定与评估实施章程”等一系列重要的法律、法案中可以清晰地透析英国发展全纳教育的历史进程。到目前为止,英国已经基本确立了一套全纳教育的实施框架并做了许多具体规划。
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