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English translation for "改掉抽烟习惯"

give up the habit of smoking

Related Translations:
改掉:  remove; drop; give up 短语和例子改掉抽烟习惯 give up the habit of smoking
改掉坏习惯:  to get out of a bad habit
改掉坏习气:  correct bad habits
使某人改掉:  break sb. of
改掉这一恶习:  abandon the vile habit
新习惯可以改掉旧习惯:  no.habit cures habit
因年岁渐大而改掉:  plants were growing out of the roofs, and trees were growing in the countrysides
她劝戒丈夫改掉在床上吸烟的习惯:  she expostulated with her husband on his habit of smoking in bed
她规劝其丈夫改掉在床上吸烟的习惯:  she expostulated with her husband on his habit of smoking in bed
抽烟:  smoke (a cigarette or a pipe) 短语和例子抽一袋烟 smoke a pipe; 你抽烟吗? do you smoke? 请抽烟。 have a smoke. 晚上, 他们一面抽烟一面聊天。 in the evening they smoked and talked.; 抽烟叙谈会 smoke-fest
Similar Words:
"改低" English translation, "改低船体" English translation, "改掉" English translation, "改掉(某种习惯)" English translation, "改掉……的习惯" English translation, "改掉坏习惯" English translation, "改掉坏习气" English translation, "改掉这一恶习" English translation, "改定" English translation, "改定版" English translation