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English translation for "提到的"

shrimin florida

Related Translations:
提到:  mention; refer to 短语和例子信上提到了他。 he was mentioned in the paper. 这个问题在序言中已粗略地提到了。 the subject has been referred to cursorily in the preface
未提到:  makes no mention of
特别提到:  f-zeromake a special mention of
如果提到:  the paper was not as easy as we hope
侧面提到:  allude
提到下巴:  chin
偶然提到:  happen to say
当提到:  when it comes to
转而提到:  descend to
哥白尼提到过:  aristarcus
Example Sentences:
1.Index all the quoted names in a book .
2.The woman in question is sitting over there .
3.Andrew recognized some which townsend had named .
4.Read the passage to which i referred in my talk .
5.The facts mentioned in the report tally to every detail .
6.An early version of the hypothesis is due to griffith .
7.At this time my heart was consumed with the demand i have mentioned .
8.One of the topics on which she most frequently dwelt was their want of family .
9.The visions i have just spoken of were mixed with other debates .
10. "the young man of whom i speak is abner hale," thom said stiffly .
Similar Words:
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