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English translation for "拯救美国"

winning back america

Related Translations:
拯救:  save; rescue; deliver 短语和例子把某人从火坑中拯救出来 rescue [diliver] sb. from a hell on earth; 拯救人民于水深火热之中 save the people from untold miseries
拯救的:  savior
拯救母亲:  save the mothers
拯救爱情:  bombayirescuing love
拯救太阳系:  halleywars
拯救首相:  casablanca express
拯救因子:  rescue factor
拯救地球就是拯救未来:  our earth our future just save it
拯救米莉:  saving milly
展开拯救行动:  stage a rescue bid
Example Sentences:
1.My paramount object is to save the union and destroy slavery
2.My paramount object is to save the union and destroy slavery
3.Management scholars such as william ouchi , of the university of california , los angeles , argued that decentralisation had saved american businesses ; it could save schools too
Similar Words:
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