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English translation for "招徕顾客"

drum up customer
solicit trade

Related Translations:
招徕:  solicit (customers or business); canvass 短语和例子招徕顾客 solicit customers; 招徕客 tip
招徕的:  catchpenny
招徕佣金:  drummer discount
短期招徕:  short circuit appeal
长期招徕:  long circuit appeal
招徕客:  tip
招徕心理学:  psychology of appeals
招徕性商品:  loss leader
招徕生意广告:  ad for inviting enterprice
以广招徕:  inordertopromotepatronageorsales
Example Sentences:
1.People can get the effect of the hangings and the furniture in advance . encourages people to buy , you understand
您知道,让大家预先看看这些织物和家具,这样可以招徕顾客。 ”
2.The function of information technology in marketing is more than just receiving orders on the net
3.The function of information technology in marketing is more than just receiving orders on the net
4.In the competition for customers , time and money is on the side of the big battalions of chain - stores and supermarkets
5.It may specialize in steaks or in a particular kind of national food or it may depend on the atmosphere , d cor , or personality of the owner to attract customers
6.Winter sales and gift pack promotions are everywhere to cash in on the festive spirit and consumers obligation to purchase christmas gifts and
7.A well - known actress like yourself , " and he bowed politely , while carrie flushed , " draws attention to the hotel , and - although you may not believe it - patrons .
像你这样的名角儿, ”说着,他恭敬地鞠了鞠躬,嘉莉却羞红了脸, “可以引起人们对旅馆的注意,而且-虽然你可能不会相信-还可以招徕顾客。 ”
8.Perhaps you ' re in a low - income neighborhood where people can ' t afford $ 8 haircuts , or maybe your shop is new and you want to attract customers , or perhaps business is slow and you need to stimulate sales
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