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English translation for "拒绝连接"

connection refused

Related Translations:
拒绝决议:  reject a resolution
拒绝理由:  reason for rejection
拒绝受礼:  refuse a gift
拒绝波段:  rejection band
连接拒绝:  connection refused cref
拒绝投标:  reject a bidrejection of tenders
拒绝裁决:  denial of justice
拒绝履行:  refusal to performrepudiate
拒绝执行:  refusal of enforcementrepudiation
拒绝存取:  access denied
Example Sentences:
1.The remote host is actively refusing a connection
2.The remote machine rejected the connection attempt
3.Then , the nas accepts or rejects the connection requests
然后, nas接受或拒绝连接请求。
4.Deny socks to nonsecure adapters
5.If the user is not a member of one of these groups , the connection is rejected
6.If you install several computers in turn and they happen to have the same ip address or hostname ,
7.Mail servers are often congested and may take a long time to accept a message , or may reject the connection entirely
8.If a user is not able to authenticate successfully , db2 udb refuses the connection request and returns an error message to the client application , similar to the following
如果用户没有通过身份验证, db2 udb就会拒绝连接请求,并向客户机应用程序返回错误消息,如下所示:
9.If tcp ip is enabled but the endpoint is stopped , the connection attempt is not rejected , so the client does not try other protocols , but the stopped connection cannot be used
如果启用tcp / ip但停止了端点,则不拒绝连接尝试,所以客户端不会尝试其他协议,但又不能使用停止的连接。
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