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English translation for "护腕"

wrister; bracer

Related Translations:
左手腕护腕:  left wrist band
腕节:  arm combcarpopoditecarpopodiumcarpus
后腕:  posterior arm
侧腕:  lateral armpleurobranchia
后背腕:  posterior dorsal arm
腕羽:  secondary
转腕:  turn the wristwrist rotationwrist turn
右臂护腕:  right arm band
鲜花护腕:  flower bracer
旋转腕臂:  hinged cantilever
Example Sentences:
1.A band , as on a long sleeve or a wristwatch , that encircles the wrist
2.In addition to these are armor , helmets , belts , gauntlets , torques , and rings
3.Wrist protecting pad
4.We couldn ' t even catch the bloody raccoon that was stealing mywristbands last month
5.Can a character who takes this feat stack the armor bonus from bracers of armor with inertial armor
6.As for gifts , bush got a belt buckle from visiting canadian prime minister stephen harper and cuff links from staff
7.If the man higher up is ever found , take my assurance for it , he will be a large , pale man with blue wristlets showing under his cuffs
8.The inertial armor feat , the ectoplasmic armor power , bracers of armor , shields , and suits of armor all provide armor bonuses , so their effects do not stack
“惰性护甲”专长、 “星质护甲”异能、防御护腕、盾牌、盔甲都提供盔甲加值,所以它们的效果不累计。
9.Scale , support panty stocking , abdominal binder , colostomy bag , pediatric urine collector , baby wipe , diaper , body warmer , underpad , knee support , elbow support
10.He showed up in a red - and - white hawaiian shirt . as for gifts , bush got a belt buckle from visiting canadian prime minister stephen harper and cuff links from staff
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