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English translation for "护堤"

reinforcing dam; dike-dam; protect a dike

Related Translations:
防火堤:  fire bankfire bundfire-dike
苏堤:  su causeway
堤内地:  protected lowland
冰堤:  ramparp
月牙堤:  ring embankment
西堤:  xidi
防风堤:  breakwater
破堤:  levee break
斡堤:  stem dike
堤破裂:  dike burstdike-burst
Example Sentences:
1.He landed in the long grass of the railway embankment .
2.Add : no . 28 dongwei industrial futi road shantou city . e - mail
地址:汕头市护堤路东围工业区28号e - mail
3.Paving soft body row is a new technique used for protecting dyke and managing sea - route
4.Standard practice for assembly and placement of double - twisted wire mesh gabions and revet mattresses
5.A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment , a dike , or a dam from erosion
6.Found in the river mouth , coastal area and swamps in the south of central taiwan . suitable for wind - breaking , sand stabilization and coast protection
7.Functions of planting vegetation on the banks of a river , such as absorbing waves , reducing bank erosion , and developing and protecting banks , as well as experimental studies of wave absorption by vegetation are briefly introduced
8.Sediment and soil were removed to expose the bedrock and enable the dams to be erected on solid rock . the cofferdams were retained , and the seaward one served as a protective structure . the seawardside of the cofferdam for the east dam was placed with more than 7 , 000 dolosses , each weighting 25 tonnes to stop the pounding ocean waves
9.The yangtze river valley is very prone to accidents of bank collapse because the river banks have slowly been washed away by the waves and tides . in order to protect the banks and control the water channel , erosion control mattresses are placed at the bottom of the river . these mattresses are made of a special type of geotextile fabric
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