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English translation for "抢先调度"

preemptive scheduling

Related Translations:
抢先:  try to be the first to do sth.; anticipate; beat sb. to it; grab off; forstall; do sth. before others have a chance to 短语和例子抢先占领制高点 compete to occupy a commanding height; 刚一开会小高就抢先发言。 xiao
抢先看:  youtube
抢先分组:  preemption packet
抢先优先:  preemptive priority
抢先输出:  anticipated output
抢先进程:  preemptive process
抢先输入:  anticipated input
抢先优先权:  preemptive priority
抢先占据:  concern involvement
抢先者:  anticipator
Example Sentences:
1.What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing
2.Rms ( rate - monntonic scheduling algorithm ) in acos is an optimal static priority algorithm for scheduling independent , preemptible , periodic tasks
Acos中的单调速率调度算法( rms )对于可独立、可抢先调度的周期性任务是一种最佳的静态优先级算法。
3.Under preemptive scheduling , the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence
4.A : under preemptive scheduling , the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence
5.Application software is independent of operation system ’ s priority by using corba priority . multi - tasks ’ synchronous transaction and high priority task ’ s preference transaction are realized through threadpool mechanism . therefore , through iiop which is based on giop , application software can easily communicate with each other on heterogeneity network
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