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English translation for "情殇"

loss of love

Related Translations:
秦殇:  the prince of qin
情果:  passiflora edulis
情魔:  bedevilledconspiratornekromantikqingmo
一段情:  a fine romancethe go-between
天上情:  the pining lovers
荒野情:  ah, wilderness
唢呐情:  feelings to suona 
姐妹情:  mcleaod’s daughters
猩猩情:  entertainers the
情谍:  love spy
Example Sentences:
1.At one ' s rainy night , i fear a too much one is uncertain , there are far too much ones that feared , because state of mind that rain come suddenly this , or because the feeling shang that go out of
2.In 1983 until nowsuccessively in national and the provincial level literature magazine , the local paper ( contains journal ) and so on long to publish , center , the short story , the prose informal essay , the poetry commentary andso on 130 , wore has the novel collection " love is opens in left atriumrose - lu zhiqiang the classical novel chooses " " rouge mark - luzhiqiang the classical novel to elect two " , the lengthy emotion novel " the sentiment died young " " two milks to confess " , " girlfriend " thenetwork novel creates a stir the influence to be really broad
1983年至今先后在全国及省级文学杂志、地方报纸(含学报)等发表长、中、短篇小说、散文随笔、诗歌评论等一百三十余篇,着有小说集《爱情是一朵开在左心房的玫瑰? ?吕志强经典小说选》 《胭脂痕? ?吕志强经典小说选之二》 ,长篇情感小说“情殇》 《二奶的自白》 、 《女友》网络小说轰动一时影响甚广。
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