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English translation for "悔过的"


Related Translations:
悔过:  repent one's error; be repentant; penitence 短语和例子悔过书 a written statement of repentance
真诚悔过:  repent sincerely
悔过的女人:  la repentiethe repentant
悔过从善:  acknowledge one's errors and become a good person
文殊悔过:  the repentance of majurī i. e. of his former doubting mind cf. st. thomas
悔过的小偷:  the penitent thief
悔过的竞选人:  the penitent elector
我希望你能施善于人 不受悔过之苦:  i hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
Example Sentences:
1.You are the remorse boy, i know .
2.Now he realized how hard it was for his wife to drag about at her work, and his sympathy quickened by his penitence .
3.Then unconverted prisoners won ' t exist either
4.< i > thanks to the unconverted < / i > < i > long - term prisoners < / i >
5.If no conversion poiicy exists
6.The penitent boy turned his back on the unhappy past and began a new existence
7." you come around to the hotel to - morrow , " she said , as sort of penance for error
“那你明天到旅馆来找我吧, ”她说,作为悔过的表示。
8.The destiny cannot grasp the life , but the life is the time which is unable to repent - - repented
命运不会把握人生,而人生就是在无法悔过的时候? ?悔过!
9.Self - examination and repentance are courageous . self - examination and repentance are a mirror in your hand
10.Forgiveness develops humility . the individual seeking forgiveness must approach in a genuine penitent spirit , making confession for wrongdoing ? this cannot be done without humility
饶恕能够培养谦卑的品性。一个寻求赦免的人必须本着一个真诚悔过的态度,承认所做的错事? ?这一切没有谦卑的态度是完不成的。
Similar Words:
"悔改地" English translation, "悔改前非" English translation, "悔改态度" English translation, "悔过" English translation, "悔过从善" English translation, "悔过的竞选人" English translation, "悔过的女人" English translation, "悔过的小偷" English translation, "悔过书" English translation, "悔过自新" English translation