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English translation for "恶液质"


Related Translations:
恶男:  n01nndqv
好善恶恶:  love the good and hate (the) evil
恶脉:  superficial phlebitis
恶死:  unnatural death
恶味:  kakogeusia
五脏所恶:  aversion of the five iparenchymatous visceraaversion of the five parenchymatous viscerawhat the five viscera are adverse to
不恶食:  anorexia
喹恶磷:  bayrusildiethquinalphioneekaluxquinalphos
毒蛇恶蝎:  venomous snakes and scorpions
恶道众生:  sabbe vinipatika
Example Sentences:
1.And the susceptibility to infections of all features of liver failure . it manifests the ascites , and the poor nutrition
2.These patients are average prognosis is poorer , numbered , among them some had produced evil fluid to pledge , have the show that many viscera fail
3.The lesson to be learned from the present case is that a transient plasma cell dyscrasia may present like multiple myeloma in the setting of heavy immunosuppression after organ transplantation
4.Tumor patient puts the many companion when changing cure to have inappetence , digest absorb the symptom such as difficult , disgusting perhaps , vomiting , regular meeting happening is hidebound , resistance is reduced , cause infection , develop evil fluid to pledge even
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