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English translation for "恶毒透顶"

(it) is venom carried to the extreme

Related Translations:
透顶:  [贬义] thoroughly; downright; in the extreme; through and through 短语和例子荒谬透顶 highly absurd; 腐败透顶 thoroughly corrupt; rotten to the core; decadent in the extreme
反动透顶:  ultra reactionary reaction
腐朽透顶:  rotten at [to] the core
荒唐透顶:  absolutely ridiculous
糟糕透顶:  what an awful nuisance!; how terrible!; in an indescribable mess; rotten to the core; rotten all the way through; just too bad
透顶的:  woeful
倒霉透顶:  at the bottom of fortune's wheel
腐败透顶:  thoroughly corrupt
无耻透顶:  be lost to [have lost] all sense of shame; brazen to the extreme; the height of shamelessness [impudence]
糊涂透顶:  of all the idiots
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