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English translation for "恶兆"

ill omen; bad omen; evil boding 短语和例子

Related Translations:
兆兆电子伏:  teraelectronvolt
恶男:  n01nndqv
好善恶恶:  love the good and hate (the) evil
恶脉:  superficial phlebitis
恶死:  unnatural death
恶味:  kakogeusia
五脏所恶:  aversion of the five iparenchymatous visceraaversion of the five parenchymatous viscerawhat the five viscera are adverse to
不恶食:  anorexia
喹恶磷:  bayrusildiethquinalphioneekaluxquinalphos
毒蛇恶蝎:  venomous snakes and scorpions
Example Sentences:
1.The superstitious regard it as a bad omen .
2.I have a dull persisting pain in my chest
3.Seeking an answer to this terrible prophecy
4.Seeking an answer to this terrible prophecy
5.Julie trembled at this request , which seemed to her of bad omen
6.The lull in the wind threatens storm , and the lowering clouds in the west bode no good
7.The towering , ominous utgarde keep is a sight impossible to miss for players arriving in howling fjord , and likely the first dungeon experienced in northrend
乌特加德要塞? ?高耸入云的恶兆? ?是玩家们抵达号叫峡湾时绝不会遗漏的巨塔,也是玩家在诺森德经历的第一个副本。
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