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English translation for "恳切地"


Related Translations:
恳切:  earnest; sincere 短语和例子恳切陈词 make a statement earnestly; 恳切希望 earnestly [sincerely] hope; 言词恳切 speak in an earnest tone; 恳切邀请大家出席。 the public is cordially invited
言词恳切:  speak in an earnest tone
恳切的:  attentivecourteousfair-spoken
恳切陈词:  make a statement earnestly
恳切希望:  earnestly hope
热诚恳切:  earnest 1
言辞恳切:  be sincere in what one says
恳切相待:  favor
恳切邀请大家出席:  the public is cordially invited
Example Sentences:
1.I earnestly pressed his coming to us .
2. "that was right!" said the child eagerly .
3.Mr. darcy spoke with affectionate praise of his sister's proficiency .
4.The old man begged his son to settle down and obey his professors .
5.I begged permission to retain him, truly saying that he was not at all troublesome .
6. "daddy, i want to go!" he said as he laid the paper down reverently on the table .
7.Bette glanced earnestly round at the friendly faces, and seemed to draw strength from their approval .
8.He earnestly pressed her, after giving the particulars of the house and garden, to come with her daughters to barton park .
9." that was right ! " said the child eagerly
“那就对了” ,那孩子恳切地说。
10.I sincerely want you to understand that i speak the truth
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