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English translation for "总统专机"

special plane for the president

Related Translations:
空军一号总统专机:  air force one
总统:  president 短语和例子副总统 vice-president; 总统当选人 president-elect; 总统府 presidential palace; the residence and office of a president; ?? 顾问 an advisor to the president; 总统官邸 the executive mansion; 总
也门总统:  list of presidents of yemen
苏里南总统:  president of suriname
立陶宛总统:  list of lithuanian rulers
南非总统:  thabo mbeki
联邦总统:  federal president
塞舌尔总统:  list of presidents of seychelles
假冒总统:  unit five dave
菲律宾总统:  president of the philippines
Example Sentences:
1.Air force one had a close call with the commuter plane the other day
2.The radio call sign for aircraft used to transport the president of the united states . any aircraft used to carry the president is referred to as air force one
3.To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday
4.To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday . it s their 29th wedding anniversary
5.To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday . it ' s their 29th wedding anniversary
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