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English translation for "径向坐标"

radial coordinates

Related Translations:
径向场:  radial field
径向带:  radial tape
径向动量:  radial momentum
径向滚珠轴承:  radial ball bearing
径向定位:  radial location
径向热传导:  radial heat conduction
径向载荷:  radial load
径向斥力:  radial repulsion
径向球轴承:  annular ball baringannular ball bearingradial ball bearing
径向壁:  radial wall
Example Sentences:
1.We find that the behavior of this energy as a function of the boundary surface radius is similar to those of the static black holes , and that the energy at the horizon does reduce to the expression conjectured by martinez
2.We fhd that the energies have the following important properties : ( 1 ) the energies are positive and monoton - ically decrease to their arnowitt - deser - misner ( adm ) masses at spatial infinity ; ( 2 ) the energies have the correct newtionial limiting , and include the binding energies from the gravitation ^ electrostatic charge and dilaton charge , respectively ; ( 3 ) martinez ' s conjecture is valid for such black holes
结果表明该能量具有如下几个重要特征: ( 1 )该能量是正定的,且随径向坐标单调递减,在无穷远处为黑洞的adm质量; ( 2 )该能量具有正确的牛顿极限,并包含有分别来自于引力、静电荷和伸缩子荷的束缚能; ( 3 ) martinez猜测对这些黑洞依旧成立。
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