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English translation for "往西去"

head west

Related Translations:
往生:  past life
往市区:  downtown ad
往上:  upslope
附往:  remark
绕往:  catch a turn
往东南的:  southeasterly
往生隧道:  death tunnel
往上飞舞:  soar
一来一往:  back and forth; in and out
往外地的:  outbound
Example Sentences:
1.The day had brightened very much, and still brightened as we went westward .
2.I wouldn ' t go west either , if i were you
3.When , however , he started west on the car he forgot , and was only reminded of his delinquency by an item in the " evening news " - a small three - line affair under the head of secret society notes - which stated the custer lodge of the order of elks would give a theatrical performance in avery hall on the 16th , when " under the gaslight " would be produced
Similar Words:
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