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English translation for "弱逆"

weak converse

Related Translations:
弱同构:  weak isomorphism
弱结构:  weak structure
弱毒性:  hypotoxicity
弱位置:  weak position
弱顶板:  poor roof
弱区:  weak araea
弱低压:  weak depressionweak low pressureweak low-pressure
弱源:  weak source
弱微分:  weak derivative
战斗力弱:  low combat effectiveness
Example Sentences:
1.The greatest idempotent - separating congruence and group congruences on a weakly inverse semigroup
2.A note on the greatest idempotent - separating congruence and group congruences on a weakly inverse semigroup
3.Next , this thesis presents a data lineage tracing approach , wivem ( weak inversion and verification of attribute mapping ) , which can calculate ( attribute - level ) derivation set of attribute mapping
作者根据可逆与弱可逆的思想,提出了一种“基于属性映射的弱逆与验证的方法( wivem , weakinversionandverificationofattributemapping ) ”求解属性映射的(属性级)起源集。
4.Then , this thesis analyzes the invertibilrty of transformation , and presents the formal definition of weak invertibte transformation , and calculates ( tuple - level ) derivation set of transformation by one - dimension merging and multi - dimension merging of the weak derivation set resolved by weak inverse attribute mapping
5.Beginning with the formal definition of derivation set , this thesis finds the general laws of derivation set , proves the theorems about derivation set , proposes an approach for weak inversion and verification based on attribute mapping to trace data lineage , gives a series of arithmetic for data lineage tracing , describes the basic processes of data lineage , and then forms systematic theories and approach
6.In this paper , we study the a - harmonic equation we first prove a local ar - weighted caccioppoli - type inequality for weak solutions to a - harmonic equation . then , by using the methods of hodge decomposition and the weak reverse holder inequality , we prove a regularity result for very weak solutions to a - harmonic equation
在这篇文章中,我们讨论形如diva ( x , ? u ( x ) ) = 0的a -调和方程,证明了其弱解满足的局部a _ ~ -加权caccioppoli型不等式,并以hodge分解和弱逆hlder不等式为工具,得到了其很弱解的正则性结果。
7.Upon the construction of weak derivation set , this thesis presents the concept of continuing traceability , and provides decision algorithm for the continuing traceability of a transformation sequence and tittering algorithm for the continuing traceable weak inverse attribute mapping . upon verifying weak derivation set , this thesis gives a series of verification algorithms based on the best property of attribute mapping or transformation
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