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English translation for "异型钢"

deformed steel
rolled section steel
special rolled-steel bar

Related Translations:
异型抗原:  alloantigenallotypic antigenheterogenetic antigen
异型齿:  heterodistylyheterodont
异型分化:  allotypic differentiation
异型目:  metchnikovellida
异型冲模:  contour die
异型板:  irregular slabrregular slab
异型疫苗:  heterotypic vaccine
异型管:  special pipespecial section tube
异型塑料管:  profile wall plastic pipe
异型综合性:  heterozygosis
Example Sentences:
1.Hot - rolled profiled steels for coal mechanism
2.Cold drawn special shaped steel bar
3.Caitu ; structural steelwork ; heteromorphosis steel products manufacturing and processing
4.Practice shows that this design is successful and presents a new design - concept and method
5.In this paper , some studying work is done centering on deformed steel fiber toughening state . analyzing the using range of the theory of steel fiber reinforcing and toughening mechanics ( composite material theory , fiber spacing theory and interfacial bond theory ) during the failure course of stress of sfrc
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