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English translation for "广大人民群众和专政机关相结合"

combining the broad masses of people with the special organs

Related Translations:
广大人民群众:  the broad masses of the people
人民群众切身利益:  vital interests of the people
悍然不顾人民群众的反对:  in flagrant disregard of the opposition of the masses
使人民群众得到利益:  benefit the masses of the people
人民群众有无限的创造力:  the masses have boundless creative power
满足人民群众多种多样的需要:  meet the manifold needs of the people
不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要:  continually meet the growing material and cultural needs of the people
无产阶专政:  dictatorshiof the proletariat
广大:  1.(宽阔) vast; wide; extensive 短语和例子幅员广大 vast in territory2.(巨大) large-scale; widespread 短语和例子合作医疗已经有了广大的发展。 there is already an extensive cooperative medical service.3.(众多) numerous 短语和例子广大
领域广大:  the domain is vast. field
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